If you've been a follower of mine for any length of time, you know that I LOVE any and all
Animal Prints. It all started with my mother, who always had an animal print of some sort in our home. My most vivid memory is our leopard print pillows on our long white silk sofa in our living room when I was a little girl. Those pillows still adorn her living room sofa and I still LOVE them!!!
So today I had to share with you an AMAZING makeover by Jenny of her fabulous Craigslist find,
Eames Management Chairs in Scalamandre Leopardo Velvet.
Little Green Notebook |
Now, this story is not so much about a fabulous DIY but about her great deal on a pair of Eames Soft Pad chairs from the Management line, the deal she scored on 4 yards of Scalamandre Leopardo Silk Velvet on Ebay and the difficult but fabulous upholstery job completed by a professional.
Let me know what you think....